Patient has chronic venous insufficiency, discharged back in March 2024, lost to follow up then came back for recurrence of LLL venous ulcer due to trauma. Does not look open to me. Any advice?
12/29/24 by
Guest User,
My question is regarding qualification for skin substitutes. Per the CMS LCD: "For purposes of this LCD a Failed Response is defined as an ulcer or skin deficit that has failed to respond to documente...
We are an outpatient hospital based wound center in southern California under Noridian. Is Epifix amniotic tissue product covered under CMS for only venous leg ulcers, or does coverage extend to ulcer...
Hello there team,
We have been seeing an increase in patients with these acute and chronic inflammatory ulcers (via Pathology report) mostly with medial lower leg ulcers that are very fibrotic. ...
76 y/o male morbidly obese male, approximately 270 pounds, history of gastric bypass with over 100 lb weight loss, with primary lymphedema and right lower extremity ulcers about 3% body surface area, ...
Patient is here regarding worsening of the left lateral ankle ulcer no fever or chills. The patient is present with his wife. The ulcer has been present since 12/2019 per patient. The patient started ...
HX: chronic wound ulcers on BLE, since September 2022 for right leg, left leg was present since July 2022. She got bit or broke down her left outer ankle and eventually healed. However, the wound has ...
88, F, PMH of lymphedema, vascular disease, Hx of PE, Chronic embolism and thrombosis of other veins, long term Xarelto use, Lipoid dermato-arthritis, Hyperlipidemia, HTN, osteoarthritis. Patient has...
71 y.o. female with nearly circumferential venous stasis ulcers present for multiple years that had received multiple different dressings. Dressings that have been tried include: Aquacel AG (but only ...
12/29/22 by
Sarah Hintz,
92 year old female. Wounds have been present since Feb 2022. Has had 2 surgical debridements. Treatments so far have failed. Used Acetic Acid, Santyl and currently Metro gel has failed. Ultra Mist has...
What is the role of pentoxifylline (Trental) in venous stasis ulcers? Wound Reference is recommending 400 mg TID in addition to compression therapy to promote ulcer healing. Is it commonly used in w...
I need treatment suggestions for wound
I have a patient who has confirmed venous insufficiency and GSV reflux, with normal ABIs, who has been unable to undergo surgery due to recurrent pseudomonas pneumonia and COPD exacerbations. He requi...
I have a 28 yo male patient with Cutaneous Crohn's Disease and Rheumatoid Arthritis, both diagnosed when he was 8 years old. Patient is currently taking Taltz for his autoimmune disease. Patient state...
Hello team! Posting on behalf of a colleague. Colleague would like to know our thoughts regarding the etiology of the ulcer and if ok to proceed with surgical debridement.
47 y/o male with hx panc...
We have a pt that we are changing 3M wraps and Xtrasorb dressings twice a week. Wife is telling us with in 24 hours it is leaking through and they are using plastic bags to keep carpet and shoes dry. ...