ADAPTIC Non-Adhering Dressing is a primary wound contact dressing.
INTENDED USES: Indicated for dry to highly exuding wounds where adherence of dressing and exudate is to be prevented including: 1st and 2nd degree burns, Lacerations and abrasions, Grafts, Venous ulcers, Pressure injuries, Nail extractions, Eczema, Staples and suture lines, Surgical incisions and reconstructive procedures. ADAPTIC Dressing can be used with compression therapy
CLAIMED BENEFITS: ADAPTIC Dressing can be cut to the size of the wound without unravelling and shredding, Reduces the risk of maceration and adherence - The pore sizes of ADAPTIC Dressing mesh: Allows easy passage of exudate to the secondary absorbent dressing, thus minimizing the risk of pooling and maceration at the wound site, Reduces the risk of tissue adherence to both ADAPTIC Dressing and the secondary dressing
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WoundReference is a clinical decision support platform for experienced and new wound care clinicians at the point-of-care