OPSITE Spray is a skin protectant.
INTENDED USES: Designed for use in skin graft fixation and on clean, dry surgical wounds, surface wounds, unbroken blisters, minor burns and scalds. Suitable for surgical or surface wounds, unbroken blisters, minor burns and scalds. Shown to aid skin graft immobilization.
CLAIMED BENEFITS: Permeable to moisture vapor, allowing the skin to breathe. May help prevent peri-wound skin maceration. Resistant to external water-based fluids. Stays intact on difficult-to-dress areas.
Skin protectants are liquids that when applied on the intact skin around the wound, form a transparent coating on the skin. Skin protectants are designed to protect intact or damaged skin from urine, feces, other body fluids, tape trauma, and friction. They are contraindicated for deeper burns (second or third degree) burns, infected areas and should not be applied directly to the wound bed or to deep puncture wounds.
You can purchase this product directly at pharmacies and medical supply stores. Please refer to table "Other Stores" below for pricing and suggestions on where to purchase this product "out-of-pocket" (without insurance). If there are no vendors listed and you would like to have information on suppliers, please email info@woundreference.com.
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WoundReference is a clinical decision support platform for experienced and new wound care clinicians at the point-of-care