I'm no dermatologist, but that's a squamous cell carcinoma until proven otherwise.
Do not pass GO ... Do not collect $200 ... biopsy this mass and go from there.
Just my thoughts.
Other experts, please chime in ...
There is another possibility that could be explored and may tie the low sodium together with the penile lesion. Although a somewhat rare occurrence, nephropathies may occur in the secondary stages of syphilis and lead to hyponatremia. Ulcers associated with primary syphilis (chancre) are painless in a relative sense and this would be a good differentiating question in the history. Other STI's can also cause ulcers but these are often painful. Agree with Dr. Worth's comments about biopsy, but secondary syphilis and resultant hyponatremia could explain the other presenting problems.
This one should have some interesting follow up...
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