Hi Kristine, Thanks for the question.
Iodosorb is not an unreasonable choice as a primary product. I see two things that need to be addressed with this wound. 1) It appears to be too wet, rather than full of slough. The whiteish color to some of the peri wound skin appears to be maceration from moisture. The exposed wound bed looks to be red, well perfused and without much bio-burden. Iodosorb will help dry this, but the underlying reason for the moisture level needs to be addressed. Either the previous dressing was not adequate in doing this because of lack of absorbance, not frequent enough dressing changes or lack of skin protection and barrier. I can't tell from the image if incontinence is a factor in the moisture level, but if it is, this needs to be addressed as well. 2) The second issue is offloading. There needs to be aggressive offloading with either a mattress overlay, zero air loss mattress, and or frequent body repositioning. An absorbent foam dressing may be helpful as well.
Hope this helps.
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